Thursday, January 14, 2010

HI FIVE! - Next Exit

I spent the better part of last year in a straight-up fucking street fight. A kicked in the teeth brawl with nearly every fear I have ever known. I sit here today considering my victory one of my life's greatest achievements.

This year I have my sights set on new impossibilities.

In the spring of 2009 I launched my writing career. I did this having no background in writing, no idea where to begin, no clue what to write about, completely paralyzed by fear, vulnerable to criticism, pressed by time, broke, sad, skinny and lost. The only thing I seemed to be holding was a true heart. And that was enough. Against all odds, I kicked myself in the back while staring into the deep end. I chopped off my hands, torched my beard, and boarded my skiff. I did this because I don't give a shit about the barracudas. In 1 mph head winds I lowered my sail and rowed out to sea.

...And you know what?
...When you believe in yourself, unbelievable things can happen.

I became a writer.

"I don't give a shit about the barracudas, Fuck It! I'm building it anyway."
~Max Fischer